Welcome to Trinity Bellwoods Park
Toronto, Canada
In the great city of Toronto there exists a grand park named Trinity Bellwoods. During the hot summer months swarms of people, mostly hipsters, sprawl across it's lush greens to enjoy the sun, sights and maybe a fine canned beverage. A plague of empty aluminum vessels would threaten the beauty of the land if not for the valour of a few wizards that use their magic to banish the scourge of cans.
A person who follows the latest trends and fashions... like park drinking circa Toronto 2003 - present
A person who has magical powers, especially in legends and fairytales.
In this case to magically make cans disappear, coined circa Toronto 2003
Aluminum vessels, scourge of the land. The alcohol containing versions are worth $.05
Based in Toronto, Canada, The Wizards of Trinity Bellwoods is a game where you play as one of the fabled wizards (can collectors) waiting for hipsters to finish their drinks and collect their empty cans. Return the cans for money and use that to improve your home. This will open up more people in the park, following the gentrification curve of the city from 2003 till now.
Using gameplay mechanics to explore subjects that surround a large urban park such as gentrification, immigration, urban economies, recycling and public space, The Wizards of Trinity Bellwoods is an experiment in games as narrative.
This is the first (of hopefully many...) game by me, Chris de Castro. Originally developed during the 2014 Artsy Game Incubator held by the amazing Hand Eye Society. A crowd funding campaign is planned for the summer of 2015 with an anticipated release in 2016.
I would love to hear from you!
Contact me at contact@chrisdecastro.com
See you in the park!